
Our natural products

Bio vegetablesFresh eggsOur grainfield Apple tree

Hearty, tasty, healthy – Holidays close to nature in South Tyrol

Crispy fresh vegetables and lettuce, a host of fragrant herbs, delicious potatoes, eggs from happy hens and wheat (flour) and berries (jam) - our own fresh natural products help boost general well-being and literally make your holiday in natural surroundings in South Tyrol all the sweeter.

Enjoy pure nature - without additives!

In our garden area measuring 5 thousand square metres we grow organic produce. That means we use no chemical fertilizers, pesticides or other harmful substances.
We produce ourselves about 70 percent of our vegetables, 90 percent of our flour, potatoes and berries/jam and about 60 percent of our eggs. The other produce is sourced locally as far as possible.
More produce is of course available in summer, but our chef Margoth prefers healthy ingredients and will spoil you with traditional home cooking, light dishes and sweet dishes for gourmets.

For the future, we plan guided walks to introduce interested guests to our organic farming and processing methods. Get in touch if you want to know more!